This is a small sized, claustral, polygyn (multiple queens), quick, aggressive and territorial species. They defend their territory with pheromone which smells like lemon. They consume dead insects to provide protein source for themselves. They are called as “ghost ants”, because both the queen and the workers heads and thoraxes are glossy black, while their abdomen is light, whitish or transparent. Due to their special coloration and small size, they look very strange in motion. They reproduces fast, but they need large amount of food for that. In wild, they make their nest into the soil, prefer warm and dry environment. Workers look for food on the ground, maybe on plants, or rocks. Workers walk around quite big areas to find enough food sources. The expected lifespan of the queen is about 3-5 years. It is important to make their formicarium escape proof!
Food: Honey and insects.
Reproduction: They reproduce fast in warmer conditions, the number of the mature colony can reach up to several thousand.
Hibernation: As a tropical species, they do not require hibernation.
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