This is a rare, large ant species, comes from South-China. Their lifestyle is similar to Prenolepis nitens (which is from central Europe). Some workers able to store a large amount of fat in their giant abdomen. That is why they are called “Asian honey pot ants”. With this spare they can survive difficulties, and feed the brood. This species is claustral and polygyous (multiple queens). The queen is 1 cm, and reddish-yellow. Workers are similar colored, but the older ones can be darker. They are as spectacular as other honeypot ants, but they are relatively rare, we do not know much about them.
Recommended for practised ant keepers only!
Food: Honey and insects.
Reproduce: Raising of the first generation is not that difficult for practised keepers. The first 20-30 workers develop for 7-8 weeks. We have to pay more attention on the second generation, they need stable temperature and regularly feeding.
Hibernating: It is a tropical species, they do not require hibernating.
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