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Pheidole noda

: 7 mm (polygyn)
🐜: 3-5 mm (polymorf)
🍽️: honey + insects + seeds
💧: 50 – 60%
🌡️: 24 – 30°C
❄️: –

Pheidole noda


This is a small-sized and territorial ant species that reproduces quickly. They are claustral and polygynous (with multiple queens), but does not necessarily require more than one queen, the colony can function effectively with a single queen. There are two worker castes. The minors are 3 mm in size, long-legged, and agile, so it’s important to pay attention to escape prevention, as they can quickly find even the smallest gaps in the ant farm. The majors (or soldiers) are about 5 mm, with robust heads often larger than their abdomens. Their strong bite enables them to chop up seeds or create openings in the exoskeletons of insects, allowing the minors to consume the prey from inside. The two castes work together very effectively, allowing them to consume nearly any food source. They actively defend their territory. Besides their strong bite, they also use their stingers for defense. This is a capable, active, and resourceful species, suitable even for beginners, though their small size requires patience and attention. The workers primarily forage at ground level. The queen’s expected lifespan is 4-8 years. More information about this species can be found HERE!

Feeding: Sugar or honey and insects, they can be fed seeds (seed mix + oily seeds like walnuts or peanuts).

Reproduction: They reproduce quickly in warm conditions. In the first year, they raise 30-50 workers, and by the second year, the colony can reach a few hundred workers. A mature colony consists of several thousand workers.

Hibernation: As a tropical ant species, hibernation is not required.


Additional information

Weight 0.025 kg
Dimensions 16 × 1.6 × 1.6 cm
Tartási nehézség




Dolgozó kasztok





5 reviews for Pheidole noda

  1. Szikszay Sándor (verified owner)

    Apró termete ellenére nagyon aktív, mindig tevékenykedő faj. Kimondottan tetszik, hogy csapatban vadásznak, gyorsan szaporodnak, sok rovart esznek. Azoknak ajánlom akik azt szeretik, hogy mindig történik valami a formicáriumban.

  2. Csanád

    Nagyon jók

  3. Schmél Nándor

    5 csillagos

  4. Deli Bence

    Beborítás után gyorsan rendezték soraikat, és beköltöztek a szivacs mellé. Az én tapasztalataim szerint szeretik a liszt kukacot de a mézet is elfogadják még a diót is beviszik a bolyba. Nagyon jól tartható hangyafaj.

  5. Jónás Bence (verified owner)

    Nagyon jó választás szerintem bárkinek a kicsiny termetüket aktivitásukkal kompenzálják.

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