A striking, claustral, multiple queen (polygynous) ant species. They weave their nests in the canopy level from a fabric-like material secreted by their larvae, using all sorts of building materials they can access. In nature, they typically construct nests from leaves, but in a formicarium, they might use soil particles or any other available materials. Among the aggressive, territorial workers, exceptional cooperation is observed during nest building and hunting. They capture their prey, then neutralize it with their strong mandibles and formic acid. This highly resourceful and inventive species covers a large area while foraging. Although they are large, they climb exceptionally well to various surfaces, that makes escape prevention particularly important! Due to their yellow-green color and unique lifestyle, they are a popular species among more experienced keepers. Once they reach a population of 10-20 workers, they can be introduced directly into an open test tube setup within a formicarium or terrarium.
Recommended only for experienced ant keepers!
Feeding: Honey and insects, or possibly fruits.
Reproduction: The colony initially develops slowly, requiring patience and care. However, once mature, the colony can grow dynamically if provided with enough space and food, the population of a mature colony can reach several thousand workers.
Hibernation: A tropical ant species, no hibernation is required.
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