This is a large, predatory ant species which is 13 mm in size. During hunting, they rely on their excellent vision, using their powerful mandibles, which they can shut at an incredible speed to neutralize their prey. If this alone is not enough, they inject venom into their prey through their stinger. For escape, they also use their mandibles, snapping them shut rapidly to launch themselves backward, allowing them to retreat from more dangerous attackers.
They require high humidity, we recommend coconut fiber or peat as substrate, as it helps retain moisture. Springtails and isopods can also be installed into the substrate to prevent mite infection. Feed them live insects which are about 1 cm in size. However, they will also consume chopped insects of any size. Additionally, feed them honey water, sugar water, or a honey-sugar-water every 2-3 days. They cannot climb glass or smooth surfaces, but due to their high humidity needs, it is not recommended to keep them in open terrariums, as these tend to dry out more quickly than fully enclosed ones.
As a primitive species, they are capable of developing a fertile gamergate in a well-functioning colony.
Recommended only for experienced ant keepers!
More information on the species:
Colony history:
Feeding: Honey water, sugar water, or a honey-sugar-water, along with live insects up to 1 cm in size, or chopped-up insects of any size.
Reproduction: Their large workers develop quite slowly, require a lot of patience.
Hibernating: As a tropical ant species, they do not require hibernating.
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