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Messor aegyptiacus

: 11 mm (monogyn)
🐜: 4 – 10 mm (polymorf)
🍽️: seeds + insects
💧: 50 – 60%
🌡️: 21 – 28°C
❄️: –

Messor aegyptiacus


This is a claustral, monogynous (single queen) tropical ant species. The queen has a red head and a black abdomen, with red pattern on her thorax. The workers have red heads and thoraxes, and black abdomens. They dig their nests into the soil, create several larger chambers for themselves. They prefer a warm, sunny environment.

They are seed collectors like other messor species, they store various seeds in their tunnels, and utilize them later. This ants tolerate drought well, keep their enviroment clean, that makes them an ideal species for any type of formicariums.  They can be kept in dry conditions with some watering spots to prevent the growth of mites.  Messors accumulate waste, usually in the warmest and driest corner of the enclosure. This species is polymorphic, have three different-sized worker castes (minor, media, major). Major workers are strong and resilient, can move harder seeds, and hunt for prey.  Minor workers are smaller, they support the growth of brood and do other tasks around the nest. Their stingers are undeveloped and harmless to humans, they usually neutralize their prey with their strong mandibles. They are not particularly aggressive, but highly territorial, do not tolerate any other insects in their territory.

Keep them under stable lighting conditions and protect them from vibrations, because they are sensitive to it. Unsuitable conditions cause unnecessary stress to the colony. They are an active species, that makes them exciting to observe. Workers mainly looks for food at ground level.The expected lifespan of the queen can reach up to 20-25 years.

Food: Seeds (seed mix + oily seeds like walnuts or peanuts) and insects.

Reproduction: They reproduce rapidly in warm conditions. In the first year, they raise 40-70 workers, and by the second year, the colony may reach a few hundred workers. A mature colony consists of  several hundred workers. The offspring develop without pupa, so the pupal form is white and ant-shaped.

Hibernation: Tropical species, hibernation is not recommended.

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