This species is also known as “queenless ant”. The dominant queen can only be differentiate from the workers under a microscope. When a new worker hatches, it has a gland on each side of its body, called gemmae. The dominant queen removes this gland from them, preventing them from reproducing. If the queen dies, a strong colony can raise a new queen. The newly hatched ant from the brood becomes a gamergate (reproductive worker). The gamergate then lays eggs, which are infertile eggs; males hatch from these. Finally, these males fertilize the gamergate. Another characteristic of this species is tandem running; they do not lead each other to food with pheromone trails. They follow each other by touching each other with their antennae. If the prey is small, they carry it back to the colony; if it is too large, they call their nestmates and consume it together. They prefer high humidity and lots of insect diet. Diacamma rugosum is recommended for more experienced keepers!
Colony history:
Feeding: With honey and insects.
Reproduction: The colony initially reproduces slowly, with a maximum of 10-20 workers in the first year, but from the second year, they can reach 100 workers.
Hibernation: This is a tropical ant species, they do not require hibernation.