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Colobopsis leonardi

: 15  mm (monogyn)
🐜: 4 – 12 mm (polymorf)
🍽️: honey + insects
💧: 50 – 70%
🌡️: 24 – 28°C
❄️: –

Colobopsis leonardi


This is a large, wood-nesting ant species from Indochina. This claustral, monogynous (single-queen) ant species is polymorphic, with minor and major workers (4 to 12 mm in size). In addition to their strong bite, they defend themselves by spraying acid. They nest in dead trees, and both the major workers and the queen have flat, “plug-like” heads. They use them to block and protect the entrance of their nest. Starting a colony from a queen is challenging, quite narrow nest is recommended, and larval adoption can greatly assist the process. This species is recommended for experienced keepers.
Feeding: Honey and insects.
Reproduction: In the first year, they raise 20-25 workers, but from the second year, the colony size can reach up to 75-100 workers. A mature colony consists of several thousand workers.
Hibernation: This is a tropical species and does not require hibernation.

Additional information

Weight 0.025 kg
Dimensions 16 × 1.6 × 1.6 cm
Tartási nehézség




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1 review for Colobopsis leonardi

  1. Krek András

    Nem rég érkezett egy királynő pár petével és egy dolgozóval.Könnyen tartható, szép hangyafaj potrohukon világos sárgás csíkokkal.Mindenkinek tudom ajánlani, ahogy ezt az oldalt is.😊

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