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Cataglyphis aenescens

: 10 mm (polygyn)
🐜: 4 – 8 mm (polymorf)
🍽️: honey + insects
💧: 50 – 60%
🌡️: 21 – 30°C
❄️: November – March (5 – 8 °C)

Cataglyphis aenescens


This is a heat-loving, swift, shiny black ant species that nests in sandy areas and steppes. It is claustral, polygyne (multiple queens) species, with three worker castes (minor, media, and major), making it polymorphic. Under ideal conditions with enough amount of protein, the colony grows dynamically. They are aggressive territory defenders. They prefer sandy soil,which is formed by their distinctive digging. This species is very clean, actively managing their area and placing waste in dry spots to avoid infections. They have good vision and can navigate visually, making them more active during the day. The colony reaches only a few hundred workers, making them ideal for medium and large formicariums. Workers hunt alone on the ground, but if necessary, they help each other to  carry the prey back home.

Feeding: Honey and insects.

Reproduction: The colony reproduces quickly with heat; heating during the summer is recommended! A mature colony consists of a few hundred individuals.

Hibernating: Requires wintering at 5-8°C from late November to the end of March. For more information, check this video.


Additional information

Weight 0.025 kg
Dimensions 16 × 1.6 × 1.6 cm
Tartási nehézség




Dolgozó kasztok





1 review for Cataglyphis aenescens

  1. Valentin (verified owner)

    Nekem kb. most 50-60 dolgozós kolóniám van. Elég mozgékonyak, jó mászók és aktívak, bár ha rovart vagy egyéb hasonló táplálékot adunk nekik, elég félénkek tudnak lenni, érdemes az orruk elé tenni inkább. Homokot vagy valami homokszerű anyagot tényleg érdemes beszórni nekik, (persze csak mértékkel) mert szeretnek “munkálkodni” vele. Kezdőknek is tökéletes.

    Az AntsHungary pedig nagyon segítőkészek, minden kérdésre válaszolnak, csak ajánlani tudom őket 🙂

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