This ant species is a large, monogynous (single-queen), claustral, and polymorphic. Ithas three worker castes: minor, media, and major. The workers are robust, strong, and resilient. Both the queen and workers have shiny black heads and abdomens, with reddish thoraxes; the queen often has a black pattern on her thorax. They defend themselves with strong mandibles and acid spraying. They become more active and develop faster in warm conditions. They establish colonies with thousands of workers. The queen can live up to 10-15 years.
Feeding: Honey and insects.
Reproduction: The colony initially grows slowly, with up to 25-40 workers in the first year. By the second year, the number of the workers can reach 100. As typical with Camponotus species, the colony is shy with few workers but becomes more assertive and aggressively defends its territory once the colony size reaches several hundred.
Hibernating: Tropical ant species, does not require wintering.
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