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Camponotus maculatus subnudus

♛: 14 mm (monogyn)
🐜: 5 – 13 mm (polymorf)
🍽️: honey + insects
💧: 50 – 60%
🌡️: 22 – 28°C
❄️: –

Camponotus maculatus subnudus


This Asian ant species is monogynous (single queen) and claustral. Their workers appear in three different sizes: minor, media, major (polymorphic). In nature, they dig their nests into the soil and they are active during the day. Compared to other ants, they are less aggressive, more retractive, and avoid conflict. These ants can tolerate temporary water or food shortages well. They have a typically elongated shape, and their color can be varied depending on the caste or even individually. The smallest minor workers are a bright yellow, while the majors and the queen have darker color. Majors have a black head, darker thorax, and on their abdomen we can see yellowish spots. The queen has a brownish-yellow color, and her expected lifespan can reach up to 10-15 years. Besides strong mandibles, they defend themselves by spraying acid. They become more active and develop faster in warmer conditions.

Food: With honey and insects.

Reproduction: The colony reproduces slowly, raise no more than 25-35 workers in the first year. However, by the third year, they can reach a population of 100 workers. The mature colony consists of several thousand workers.

Hibernation:  As tropical ant species, hibernation is not necessary.

Additional information

Weight 0.025 kg
Dimensions 16 × 1.6 × 1.6 cm

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2 reviews for Camponotus maculatus subnudus

  1. Vince

    Nagyon jó szívós fáj kb2 nap alatt megérkezett mivel még akkor amikor kaptam eléggé kezdő voltam akkor meg is ettek 3 petét mert nem ettetem őket rendszeresen (elfelejtettem)de most már kiismerem a fajt csak ajánlani tudom

  2. Vince

    Nagyon jó szívós faj nagyon hálás és egyben félős faj kezdőknek is ajánlom és nagyon gyorsan ki is hozták kb2 nap

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