This is a large, Asian ant species, similar to Camponotus vagus. Monogyne, claustral, polymorphic species, there are three worker sizes (minor, media, major). Their workers are large, robust and strong. Camponotus japonicus has velvety black color, because of its silver hairs on the body. In addition to powerful mandibles, they defend themselves through acid spraying. These ants are aggressive, have strong bite, although they aren’t dangerous to humans (they can not penetrate the human skin). They can tolerate drier environments well. They become more active and develop faster in warmer conditions, but too much heat can make them passive. They establish colonies consisting of a few hundred to a few thousand workers, digging their nests into the soil, and workers are looking for food both at ground level and on trees. In case of danger, workers alert their companions by knocking with their heads. The expected lifespan of the queen can reach up to 10-15 years.
Feeding: Honey and insects.
Reproduction: The colony reproduces slowly in the beginning, they raise 10-20 workers in the first year, but from the second year, they can reach a population of 100 workers. As is typical of Camponotus, the colony is shy when they only have a few workers, but as soon as they reach several hundred individuals, they become emboldened and aggressively guard their territory. The mature colony consists of a few hundred workers, but some sources mention that they can reach up to a few thousand workers.
Hibernation: They don’t require winter hibernation, only little rest period from November to February at room temperature.
More information about the winter hibernation in this video (Please turn on the English subtitle)
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