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Camponotus barbaricus

: 17 mm
🐜: 8 – 17 mm (polymorph)
🍽️: honey + insects
💧: 50 – 60%
🌡️: 21 – 24°C
❄️: November – February (15°C)

Camponotus barbaricus


This species is one of the largest ant species in Europe, its long-legged, fast-moving workers are 8 to 17 mm.  They are polymorphic (with minor, media, and major castes). Their heads and abdomens are black, while their thoraxes are reddish-black, and their legs are lighter. They are monogynous (single queen) and claustral species. In addition to their strong mandibles, they defend themselves by spraying acid. Their bite is strong but not harmful to humans (they cannot penetrate the human skin). This species is timid and typically retreats from dangerous situations. They are resilient and can tolerate temporary dryness well. The queen swarms in the autumn but only establishes a colony the following spring after wintering. They form colonies of several thousand workers, building their nests under stones or dead wood in nature. Their workers typically forage at ground level and on low vegetation. They are active both day and night. The queen’s expected lifespan is 10-15 years.

Feeding: Honey and insects.

Reproduction: The colony initially reproduces slowly, raising a maximum of 10-20 workers in the first year, but by the second year, they can reach a population of 100 workers. Like other Camponotus species, the colony remains timid when they have few workers, but as they grow to several hundred workers, they become bolder and begin to defend their territory.

Hibernating: Requires hibernation at 15°C from late November to February.

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3 reviews for Camponotus barbaricus

  1. Szabó Marcell

    NEM hazudnak, nagyon nagyok!
    Ha hangyát keresnek akkor erről az oldalról rendeljenek, itt nem fognak csalódni!
    (Ajánlom az előreutalást!)

  2. Albert

    Nagyon nagy a királyné és nagyon szép,nem innen rendeltem hanem fogtam de hidjétek el hogy nem olyan kicsi mint amilyennek gondolná valaki a 17mmteres királné(ezt azoknak mondom akik még nem hangyászott🦗. 🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜

  3. Dobos Benjámin Márk

    Én tegnap kaptam meg a kolóniám 8 dolgozóval és némi lárvával. Nagyon szépek és egészségesek. A dolgozok tora barna potrohuk, fejük kekete és hoszú lábuk van. Nagyon elégedett vagyok a kolóniámel

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