This is a monogynous (single-queen), claustral and polymorphic ant species. It has three worker castes (minor, media, major). The workers are robust, strong, and resilient. The queen is black, with a reddish-yellow underside. The workers have black heads, reddish thoraxes, and two yellow spots at the front of their abdomens. They defend themselves using strong mandibles and by spraying formic acid. They become more active and develop faster in warmer conditions. They establish colonies consisting of several thousand workers, foraging for food both at ground level and in vegetation. The queen’s expected lifespan can reach up to 10-15 years.
Feeding: Honey and insects.
Reproduction: The colony initially reproduces slowly, raising a maximum of 25-40 workers in the first year, but by the second year, they can reach around 100 workers. The colony is shy while they have few workers, but as soon as they reach several hundred, they become bolder and aggressively defend their territory.
Hibernation: As a tropical ant species, they do not require hibernation, however, during the winter months, from December to February, the queen stops laying eggs. During this time, heating is not necessary, and room temperature is recommended. They remain active and should continue to be fed as usual.
Papp András (verified owner) –
Nagyon szép faj, nálam nagyjából már harmincan vannak, kb 2-3 hónapja érkeztek, 4-5 dolgozóval. Egész stabilan szaporodnak. Arezgéseket annyira nem kedvelik, ha etetek és kicsi rezgést kapnak, agresszívan lépnek fel. Én ajánlani tudom őket! 🙂