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Aphaenogaster subterranea

: 7 mm (monogyn)
🐜: 3-4 mm
🍽️: honey + insects + oily seeds
💧: 50 – 60%
🌡️: 21 – 28°C
❄️: November – March (5-8°C)


Aphaenogaster subterranea


A monogynous (single-queen),  claustral species, where multiple queens often initially cooperate, but typically only one queen remains after the first workers appear, making it a monogynous (single-queen) species. The queen and the workers are both shiny and brown, with the queen’s abdomen being darker, slightly black. They have a distinctive posture, as they hold their abdomen. This species is easy to care for and recommended for beginners, known for being tool-using ants that are quite active and modify their environment. They cover liquid substances with soil particles and demonstrate tool use by soaking up liquid food with various pieces of wood to transport it back to their nest. In nature, they live in forest soil, preferring medium to high humidity, but they also adapt well to temporary dryness. The workers with stringers mainly forage at ground level, rarely climb higher.

Feeding: In addition to honey and insects, they can occasionally be given small amounts of oily seeds (e.g., walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds) to provide all necessary nutrients.

Reproduction: Initially, they reproduce slowly. In the first year, they raise 30-40 workers, by the second year, the colony may reach several hundred workers. A mature colony can be quite populous, with several thousand workers.

Hibernation: It is recommended to hibernate them from late November to March at 5-8°C.

Additional information

Weight 0.025 kg
Dimensions 16 × 1.6 × 1.6 cm
Tartási nehézség




Dolgozó kasztok





1 review for Aphaenogaster subterranea

  1. Kovács Áron

    gyönyörű 1q és 30-40 w rendeltem és kb 50 w-t kaptam.
    nagyon megvagyok elégedve. De nincs közösségi gyomruk

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